BIM models have the developing components of different levels of detail and those are LOD 100, LOD 200, LOD 300, LOD 350, LOD 400, and LOD 500 depending on the project and construction requirements.
LOD stands for Level of Development. The term assists in addressing the issues that are arising with the process of construction when BIM is used. This is the process and tool that is used in communicating and collaborating with the team whenever any third person other than the designer wants to extract the information from it. Moving further when the process of design is taking place, the building systems and components progress are seen from uncleared to a precise and accurate description.
There was a time in the past when there was no designated as well as simple ways available to design the model elements, but if the designers may know about it, they would not often disclose it. The reason for the same is very simple, it can easily be misunderstood in the element of the model is designed with precision. The process of hand drawings was taken into consideration that was difficult to carry and hence to change this method different tools and software were developed. Hence, now the companies are moving towards the detailed process of detailed LOD BIM models.

BIM LOD 100: Conceptual Design This is the first step when there is a start-up of the project. Here the model elements are the blocks that are represented by the engineers, designers, and drafters. As this is the start-up of the project, it is not necessary that it will have a complete and precise review in 3D geometry. BIM LOD 100 is just the representation of the detailing part. This will not have any shape and size in detail.
BIM LOD 200: Schematic Design This is the second stage of the model element. In this, there would not be any specific details, but this process will give you an update on the size and shape of the model. This means here approximate shape, size, locations, orientations, quantities, etc can be known.
BIM LOD 300: Detailed Design The third stage of the process is used for presentation purposes. It can be used in generic Revit families, basic components in libraries, and so on. Here you will find the exact details that are related to the cost, estimations, areas, and the shape of the model. In other words, in this stage, all the 2D drawings are converted into 3D models.
BIM LOD 350: Construction Documentation The procedure of this stage includes the detailed models and the elements that are represented in the building element. This is the stage where how the interface of the building will be looking with various systems can be known with the process of graphics and its written definitions.
BIM LOD 400 / LOD 450: Fabrication & Assembly This model of BIM is to develop and contain detailed requirements that are related to the mean fabrication of different components. Here the process will have fabrication detailing, shop drawings, materials requirements and take-offs, and much more. This is the stage where the process of construction will be started and will have high precision in terms of shape, size, geometry, and cost with the smallest and minor details, and there will also be separate drawings which will be meant for the construction stage.
BIM LOD 500: As-Built and Building Operations This is the final stage where you will be getting all the information that is related to the maintenance and operations. Here the complete information of what the actual project will be looking like will be known and how it will be working will be checked. This is irrespective to whatsoever is the size, shape, quantity, and so on.
The AEC Collection provides designers, engineers, and contractors a set of BIM and CAD tools supported by a cloud-based common data environment that facilitates project delivery from early-stage design through to construction.
